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Kitchen Science: Inquiry-Based Activities

Kitchen Science: Inquiry-Based Activities

This handout was shared by Dr. Ann Epstein at the 2013 IMC conference. See also her Power Point of the same title. Download File Baking Soda and Vinegar Materials: mixing bowl, large metal or plastic spoon for mixing, 1 cup measuring cup, I Tablespoon measuring spoon, box of baking soda, white vinegar (optional: food coloring) […]

Teacher perceptions of family priorities and stressors

Teacher perceptions of family priorities and stressors

This is an ongoing research project. Participants participated in a survey as part of the experience as well and Ann will share her findings once compiled and analyzed! While teachers are able to predict family priorities and stressors to some degree, they also have some mistaken assumptions. For example, teachers think that family issues (such […]

Montessori Early Childhood Language: Life-Long Literacy

Montessori Early Childhood Language: Life-Long Literacy

The development of language in early-childhood classrooms is an umbrella for the entire Montessori curriculum. Often teachers and parents consider activities on the shelves of the Language area as the heart of actual language learning. Certainly these activities provide powerful opportunities, but language learning occurs most profoundly in the moment-to-moment life of interactions within the […]

Montessori Teacher Supports For Children With Exceptionalities

Montessori Teacher Supports For Children With Exceptionalities

Supports for children who have special needs have been legally mandated for several decades in the United States. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act became law in 1990 and was updated in 2004.  Public schools must provide Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students with documented needs that meet the law’s specified criteria. IEPs identify needed […]

Signing Fun with Your Little One!

In this webinar Dr. Ann Epstein shares basic language milestones first and then goes over the pros and cons of using sign language with little ones. Sign language can be fun for both babies and parents. AND it promotes developmentally appropriate interactions between parents and babies which is super important. Unfortunately, we had some technical […]

My Childs Teacher Has Concerns

My Childs Teacher Has Concerns

Join Ann Epstein, PhD, as she talks about what can be a difficult, even heart wrenching topic. “My child’s teacher has concerns. Oh no!” How can parents and other family members partner with teachers when there is a concern about your child? Dr. Epstein has personal experience as the parent of a deaf child and […]

All Hands On!!!!  Science Inquiry With Young Toddlers

All Hands On!!!! Science Inquiry With Young Toddlers

  cience may not be a topic that families emphasize with their toddlers. Instead, families may focus on sharing story books, building structures with blocks, exploring crayons and paint, and simply playing with toddlers’ favorite toys. These are all excellent choices, but the world of inquiry-based science offers surprising opportunities for toddlers too. The following […]