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Psychologist vs Mom- How Do Montessori Teachers Do It?

Psychologist vs Mom- How Do Montessori Teachers Do It?

Montessori Teachers: How DO they do it? I’m sitting at home right now, drinking my second coffee of the day. My two boys have finally given in and are taking naps (at the same time!), and all is right with the world. It is a snow day, and this morning, when I saw the cancellation […]

Supportive Strategies for High-Energy Children

Supportive Strategies for High-Energy Children

With a fast-paced society that often turns to medication for ‘quick fixes,’ we often perpetuate stigmas and neglect to consider all information prior to making diagnoses. As a psychologist and a mother, I know all too well how difficult it is to watch children struggle to find their way in classrooms that work to produce […]

It’s Just a Stage – Right?

It’s Just a Stage – Right?

It was wonderful, Mommy! I pushed somebody, and then I hit somebody. And, then I went to time-out. And, I was angry and sad. Do you want to play trains?” Although I am a licensed psychologist, that does not mean that I know everything about children. Other people’s children – possibly (at least I can […]

Montessori Teachers: How Do They Do It?

Montessori Teachers: How Do They Do It?

am sitting at home right now, drinking my second coffee of the day. My two boys have finally given in and are taking naps (at the same time!), and all is right with the world. It is a snow day, and this morning, when I saw the cancellation notice with the name of my kids’ […]

Pychological Evaluations: What does it all mean?

Pychological Evaluations: What does it all mean?

was recently asked to do a psychological evaluation for a child at a Montessori school. Many believe that it is incongruent for one to get testing while going to a Montessori school. After all, the myth is that Montessori schools have no curriculum and don’t even require tests in their school. But, this is actually […]

Taking the Butterflies out of Going Back to School

Summer! arents appreciate the more relaxed perspective that the summer offers (summer nights, vacations, lax bedtime routines, etc.), and children love the idea of summer camps, swimming, vacations, and less structure in their lives. Going back to school can be a difficult time for children – albeit a time of relief for many parents. Going […]

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate? That is the Question

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate? That is the Question

ith so much controversy surrounding the safety of childhood inoculations, it is difficult for parents to come up with a sound decision as to what is best for their child. While we have long believed that vaccinations are not only suggested, but are often required,depending on state regulations, new data questions the effects that such […]

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate? That is the Question

Seperation Anxiety

t’s the beginning of the school year in North America, after many months of unstructured or semi-structured summer activity. Undoubtedly, things will be shaken in your child’s world when they return to school this fall – perhaps, your world will be shaken, too! Many children wait all year long for summer to hit, and who […]

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate? That is the Question

The Dilemma of Childcare

hoosing day care is a particularly hard venture, whether you are a first-time parent or a parent several times over. Not only is it expensive, but it also is a choice as to what is the best solution for their child.  No matter what the ultimate choice, parents hope that their children will be welcomed […]

Story of Our Lives: The Montessori Autobiography Project

Story of Our Lives: The Montessori Autobiography Project

bout a year ago, my parents were moving to a new house. My mom called me and told me, as any mother would, that she has a lot of old boxes that were mine that she wanted to give to me (Oh, the joys of moving!). Needless to say, when I received the boxes, and […]