by Christine Lowry | Children with Exceptionalities, Communication, Empowerment, Mindfulness, Mixed Ages, Montessori Education, Montessori students, Planes of Development, Prepared Environment, Psychology, School Leadership, Sensitive Periods, Sensorial, The International Montessori Council, Webcasts / IMC, Young Adolescent, Young Adults
Montessori Based Multi-Tier System Of Support An Overview With Christine Lowry, M Ed
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by Christine Lowry | Children with Exceptionalities, Early Adolescence (12-15), Kindergarten, Later Adolescence (15-18), Lower Elementary (6-9), Primary (3-6), Upper Elementary (9-12)
The education landscape, especially in special education, continues to change at a rapid rate. An inclusion model in which most students spend their school day in the general ed classroom means changes for classroom teachers, special education teachers, and school leaders. In this webcast Christine Lowry guides us through the history of legislation that has […]
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by Christine Lowry | Children with Exceptionalities, Communication, Empowerment, MFA, Mixed Ages, Montessori Education, Montessori students, Montessori Teachers, Planes of Development, School Leadership, Sensitive Periods, Sensorial, The International Montessori Council
From my first observation in a Montessori classroom, I recognized how consistent it was with much about my field of special education. Up to that point, I had worked in a variety of settings from a public-school program to an in-patient psychiatric unit and with children from four to seventeen years of age. It immediately […]
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by Anne Courts | Adolescence, Brain Development, Children with Exceptionalities, Communication, Discipline, Empowerment, Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), Language, Lower Elementary (6-9), Mindfulness, Mixed Ages, Montessori Education, Montessori Parenting, Parent Education, Practical Life, Primary (3-6), Psychology, Sensitive Periods, Sensorial, Tomorrow's Child, Tomorrow's Child Online Issue
Between 15 and 36 months old, in addition to physically increasing in size, toddlers are also learning to develop cognitively, emotionally, and socially. The development of their large muscles allows them to walk, run, and jump, while their small-muscle development helps them gain fine-motor skills, such as eating with utensils or learning to dress themselves. […]
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by Maria Chaffin | Adolescence, Autism, Children with Exceptionalities, Early Adolescence (12-15), Kindergarten, Later Adolescence (15-18), Lower Elementary (6-9), MFA, Montessori Middle School, Montessori Secondary / High School, Primary (3-6), Upper Elementary (9-12), Webinars / MFA
Join Maria Eva Chaffin and Brynn Rangel for part 2 of this series on Addressing Challenging Behavior. In this session, they give a summary for each of the three levels – Early Childhood, Elementary, and Adolescence including strategies, preparation, and observation.
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by Christine Lowry | Children with Exceptionalities, Communication, Empowerment, Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), Kindergarten, Later Adolescence (15-18), Lower Elementary (6-9), Mixed Ages, Montessori Administrators, Montessori Education, Montessori Middle School, Montessori Secondary / High School, Montessori Teachers, Planes of Development, Primary (3-6), Sensorial, The International Montessori Council, Upper Elementary (9-12), Young Adolescent, Young Adults
The numbers of students with a variety of behavior and learning challenges are on the rise. In both Montessori and traditional schools and classrooms, school leaders and classroom educators are asking for the knowledge, understanding, and skills they need to support these students. The current trend in special education is serving children in inclusive classrooms; […]
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by Ann Epstein Ph.D | Autism, Brain Development, Children with Exceptionalities, Communication, Family Resources, Infant, Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), Kindergarten, Lower Elementary (6-9), Montessori Parenting, Parent-Teacher Communication, Primary (3-6), Upper Elementary (9-12), Webinars / MFA
Join Ann Epstein, PhD, as she talks about what can be a difficult, even heart wrenching topic. “My child’s teacher has concerns. Oh no!” How can parents and other family members partner with teachers when there is a concern about your child? Dr. Epstein has personal experience as the parent of a deaf child and […]
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by Maria Chaffin | Adolescence, Autism, Brain Development, Children with Exceptionalities, Early Adolescence (12-15), Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Empowerment, Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), Kindergarten, Later Adolescence (15-18), Lower Elementary (6-9), Montessori Administrators, Montessori Education, Montessori Middle School, Montessori Secondary / High School, Montessori students, Montessori Teachers, Primary (3-6), School Leadership, The International Montessori Council, Upper Elementary (9-12), Webcasts / IMC
In this week’s webinar Maria Eva Chaffin and Brynn Rangel gave an overview about Autism and how to meet the needs of students with Autism
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by Christine Lowry | Adolescence, Children with Exceptionalities, Communication, Early Adolescence (12-15), Kindergarten, Later Adolescence (15-18), Lower Elementary (6-9), Montessori students, Prepared Environment, Primary (3-6), Upper Elementary (9-12), Video
Join Christine Lowry as we continue our series. Parts I & II in our 3 part series gave an overview of the school-wide Multi-Tiered System of Support specific to Montessori schools, and provided an in-depth look at how we create an Inclusive Classroom Climate to support all learners. This system view gives us a concrete […]
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by Christine Lowry | Children with Exceptionalities, Lower Elementary (6-9), Montessori Education, Montessori students, Montessori Teachers, Primary (3-6), School Leadership, The International Montessori Council, Upper Elementary (9-12), Webcasts / IMC
This webinar, presented by Christine Lowry will discuss A Montessori Model: Prepare, Provide, Guide for working with ALL learners in the Montessori Classroom – at all levels. This model is based on considerable research on best practices in education and trends and insights in special education. As always, listener participation is welcomed as we share […]
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by Maria Chaffin | Adolescence, Autism, Children with Exceptionalities, Early Adolescence (12-15), Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), Later Adolescence (15-18), Lower Elementary (6-9), MFA, Montessori Middle School, Montessori Secondary / High School, Primary (3-6), Upper Elementary (9-12), Video, Webinars / MFA
An increasing number of families are looking for options for the inclusion of a special needs child into a typical classroom environment. In this session we’ll discuss the pros and cons associated with a Montessori classroom including class sizes, materials, student independence, multi-age classrooms, school resources and other factors relevant to children who have failed […]
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by Tim Seldin | Archived Issues / Tomorrow's Child, Children with Exceptionalities, Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Executive Functioning, Language & Reading, Mathematics, MFA, Montessori Curriculum, Montessori Education, Montessori students, Peace Education, Re-enrollment, Reading, Science, Sensitive Periods, Tomorrow's Child, Writing
To inspire academic excellence; nurture curiosity, creativity, and imagination; and awaken the human spirit As children near the end of their kindergarten year in Montessori, many parents struggle with the question of whether or not to keep their children in...
by Kath Kvols | Archived Issues / Tomorrow's Child, Challenging Behaviors, Discipline, Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Emotionally Healthy Children, Empowerment, Grace and Courtesy, MFA, Mixed Ages, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Grandparenting, Montessori Parenting, Psychology, Tomorrow's Child
What Are Limits? Limits tell your family under what condition you are willing or unwilling to do something. They tell your family where you “draw the line.” They tell what you will or will not tolerate. Their purpose is to take care of you. Limits are not designed to...
by Tim Seldin | Archived Issues / Tomorrow's Child, Challenging Behaviors, Discipline, Emotionally Healthy Children, Empowerment, Grace and Courtesy, Maria Montessori, MFA, Mixed Ages, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Grandparenting, Montessori Parenting, Parenting on the Same Page, Peace Education, Tomorrow's Child
Many parents believe that the word discipline means to punish. In reality, it means to teach. In a Montessori-inspired home, parents are empathetic, caring, and respect children as real and separate human beings. However, children also need to develop a sense of...
by Lorna McGrath | Autism, Book Reviews, Children with Exceptionalities, Communication, Empowerment, MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Parenting, Montessori students, Psychology
I do in Autismland: Climbing Out of Autism’s Silent Person Written by Ido Kedar do’s essays have had a profound effect on me–as an educator, a parent, a friend of parents who have mute children with Autism, deafness, or Down Syndrome, and a daughter of a mute stroke victim. So many times, we make assumptions […]
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by Lorna McGrath | Archived Issues / Tomorrow's Child, Autism, Book Reviews, Children with Exceptionalities, MFA, Reading, Tomorrow's Child
My Daughters are Smart! Written by Anita B. Adhikary Illustrated by Blythe Russo This book is an interesting alphabet book full of empowering words for boys and girls but is focused on girls —young and old, culturally diverse, interacting with each other and with men...
by Brynn Rangel | Children with Exceptionalities, Infant-Toddler (0 to 3), Kindergarten, Later Adolescence (15-18), Lower Elementary (6-9), Montessori Charter Schools, Montessori Education, Montessori Middle School, Montessori Secondary / High School, Montessori students, Montessori Teachers, Peace Education, Primary (3-6), Psychology, The International Montessori Council, Video, Webcasts / IMC
How to Address Challenging Behaviors: Applying Positive Behavior Support Strategies to the Montessori Classroom What happens when a child struggles to normalize? What do we do when challenging behaviors disrupt the learning environment? Positive behavior support strategies can be used to restore peace in the classroom. In this webinar, Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Brynn Rangel […]
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by Meg Caldwell | Archived Issues / Montessori Leadership, Children with Exceptionalities, Montessori Education, Montessori students, Montessori Teachers, Psychology, The International Montessori Council
Children’s Meeting House Montessori School re we seeing more learning differences in children? This is a question that teachers have repeatedly asked me. They are seeing students who struggle with concentration issues, processing information, an inability to follow multiple-step procedures or directions, sensory challenges, and an inability to capture thoughts on paper. And more importantly, […]
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