by Tim Seldin Paul Epstein | Maria Montessori, MFA, Montessori Education, Prepared Environment, TC February 2023
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by Cristina De Stefano | Maria Montessori, The International Montessori Council, Webcasts / IMC
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by Cristina De Stefano | Maria Montessori, Research, School Leadership, School Resources, The International Montessori Council, Video, Webcasts / IMC
Discussion with author, Cristina De...
by Tim Seldin | Maria Montessori, MFA, Webinars / MFA
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by Kathleen Dzurza | Maria Montessori, ML 2021, The International Montessori Council
In Celebration of Maria Montessori! We celebrated the anniversary of Montessori’s 151st Birthday in 2021 and we look forward to celebrating 115 years since the founding of the very first Casa dei Bambini on January 6, 2022. As August 31, 2021, marked the...
by The Montessori Foundation Staff | Maria Montessori, Mixed Ages, Montessori Teachers, Video
Montessori school of Rome(Video) This is a unique video-Archive of 1930, on the work of the Montessori school of Rome. It was originally posted by a Russian author. This is the essence of the commentary . Pay attention to the number of children and their focused work. On the video you can see Maria Montessori […]
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by Dr. Maria Montessori | Maria Montessori, MFA, Montessori Education, Montessori Parenting, Montessori Teachers, Parent Education
Far too many schools have transformed the process of learning and discovery, which comes naturally to children at birth, into a stressful and often unpleasant experience. We tend to think about schools from a business perspective. We talk incessantly about high standards, competition, and holding children accountable. Somewhere along the way we forgot that schools […]
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by Dr. Maria Montessori | Maria Montessori, MFA
Parts from a Letter Written in 1947 and Sent to all Governments My life has been spent in the research of truth. Through study of children I have scrutinized human nature at its origin both in the East and the West and although it is forty years now since I began my work, childhood still […]
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by The Montessori Foundation Staff | Maria Montessori, MFA, Montessori Family Life, Montessori Teachers
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by The Montessori Foundation Staff | Empowerment, Maria Montessori, MFA, Mindfulness, Montessori Parenting, Montessori Teachers
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by Lorna McGrath | Family Resources, Maria Montessori, Montessori Education, Montessori Parenting, Re-enrollment, Research, Start of School Year, Video, Webinars / MFA
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by Tim Seldin | Free Reads, Maria Montessori, MFA
On this, the 150th anniversary of your birth, we celebrate your life and express our gratitude. You contributed so much to children’s lives and to all of us who discovered your work as adults. Thank you for patiently observing and listening to the children who taught...
by Maria Montessori | Adolescence, Early Adolescence (12-15), Free Reads, Later Adolescence (15-18), Maria Montessori, Montessori Education, Montessori Middle School, Montessori Secondary / High School, Young Adolescent, Young Adults
Here is a link to the digital archive of Dr. Maria Montessori’s essays, The Erdkinder and the Functions of the University. In this work Maria Montessori considers the needs and issues of needed educational reform for adolescents and university students. She...
by Mark Woodward | Empowerment, Maria Montessori, MFA, Mixed Ages, Montessori Education, Montessori students, The International Montessori Council, Young Adolescent, Young Adults
My name is Mark Woodward, and I am a composer, songwriter, and the Music Director at Montessori Academy in Brentwood, TN. I am a musician by education, and I was a musician by trade until making the leap into the field of education. Ready for a change, I was invited through a mutual friend to […]
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by Punum Bhatia Ph.D | Maria Montessori, Mathematics, Montessori Education, Montessori students, Planes of Development, Primary (3-6), Sensitive Periods, Sensorial, The International Montessori Council
The first essential for the child’s development is concentration. It lays the whole basis for his character and social behavior” Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952) believed that children have an inner directive for their optimum self-construction and that concentration was the key to their natural development. This was perhaps one of her major contributions to the […]
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by Dr Val Wise | Communication, Empowerment, Maria Montessori, Mindfulness, Mixed Ages, The International Montessori Council
Research has demonstrated the benefits children gain from attending racially diverse schools. Berends and Penaloza (2010) and Newton (2010), both found that students in diverse schools tended to score higher in math. Benson and Borman (2010), found that literacy scores improved when students attended racially diverse schools. As Montessorians, we know that education cannot be […]
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by Dina Paulik | Empowerment, Maria Montessori, Outdoor Education / Resources, Peace Education, The International Montessori Council, Webcasts / IMC
A Montessori Retrospective With Dina Paulik
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by Andrea Pellizari | Empowerment, Maria Montessori, MFA, Mixed Ages, Montessori students, Planes of Development, Practical Life, Tomorrow's Child, Young Adults
“The chief symptom of adolescence is a state of expectation, a tendency towards creative work and a need for the strengthening of self-confidence.” —Maria Montessori What motivates adolescents to do their best work? Most would agree that programs that support student...