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Whatever It Takes!  Keeping Your Children in Montessori through High School Graduation

Whatever It Takes! Keeping Your Children in Montessori through High School Graduation

When you really believe in something, you’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen – especially for your kids. Larry Schanker & Laru Chapman will share with you why and how they chose Montessori for their children’s educational experience. Join...
Refining your Marketing Message: Points to Ponder

Refining your Marketing Message: Points to Ponder

Refining your Marketing Message: Points to Ponder was published in the June 2006 issue of Montessori Leadership By Jake Mortensen Marketing your school can seem like an immense undertaking, but it does not have to be. Even a little marketing can go a long way if you approach it correctly, with a good strategy being […]

How to Use Attrition Charts to track your enrollment

How to Use Attrition Charts to track your enrollment

Independent schools normally depend on tuition to cover their operating expenses, which means that accurate up-to-date information is essential. Despite this fact, too often, administrators rely on their memory or sense of what feels right when considering whether the current enrollment trend is normal or something to celebrate or fret over. One thing is certain: […]

Making 2020-21 Schooling Decisions

There are so many factors that go into finding the right match for your child and your family when it comes to schooling – home school, Montessori, public, private, finances, safety, and more. Add to that Covid and your head starts to spin. Join Christine Lowry, Tammy Willen, and Lorna McGrath as we help sort […]

Re-Enrollment Time for Toddlers

Montessori Re-Enrollment

Christine Lowry shares some of the most up-to-date research on educational settings and their effect on student success. The research includes flexible classroom arrangement, multi-age classes, personalized learning, project-based learning, social-emotional learning, multiple years with the same teacher, and assessments in a variety of formats. See how the Montessori approach stacks up according to research […]