Budgeting for your School in a Time of Rising Costs
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Dear Cathie: How can I guide my children to help around the house?
DEAR CATHIE— I have always done everything for my children. I just thought that is what good parents did! I thought it showed my love. But now that they are growing up, and I am learning more about the Montessori Method from their school and my reading, I understand...Money Talks: Talking About Financial Uncertainty With Your School-Age Children
With the coronavirus crisis causing unprecedented job losses, many families are experiencing uncertainty around money. Even families with relatively solid financial footing are feeling a need to rethink family finances. Our impulse as parents is to protect our...Sample Letter Holding a Family to Their Contract
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Preparing the Budget
Since most of a school’s income comes from tuition, the development of the next year’s budget begins with preparing the best and hopefully most accurate projection of next year’s enrollment at each age level. In this process, you should show enrollment for the year before, the current year, and the year for which you are […]
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Basic Accounting Income Statements
An income statement otherwise known as a profit and loss statement is a summary of a company’s profit or loss during any one given period of time, such as a month, three months, or one year. The income statement records all revenues for a business during this given period, as well as the operating expenses […]
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An Example of General Procedures for Bookkeeping
A. General Objectives 1. To facilitate the conduct of business. 2. To help assure the security of funds. 3. To help maximize the use of funds. B. Procedural Elements 1. Record keeping and check signing functions should be done by different people to as great an extent as possible. a. Primary record keeper: School Secretary […]
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The Key Financial Reports That We All Need To Understand
Many of us who end up in school administration or serving on a board would not consider financial planning and analysis to be our strongest skill area. Despite this, we are all responsible for keeping close tabs on our schools’ finances and for making decisions...Sample Financial Aid Policy #1
I. Introduction A. Rationale Part of the mission of the _____ School is to demonstrate that intelligence is not rare in the universe, but rather can be cultivated if we begin to provide children with the right intellectual and emotional environments from an early age...Sample Financial Aid Policy Shared With Parents
Financial aid is defined as a reduction in tuition granted to families who have demonstrated eligibility through an objective assessment of their financial position. The Financial Aid Committee The Board of Trustees has established a Financial Aid Committee consisting of three members. The members of the 2011 Financial Aid Committee are: • ____, Trustee and […]
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How to Use Attrition Charts to track your enrollment
Independent schools normally depend on tuition to cover their operating expenses, which means that accurate up-to-date information is essential. Despite this fact, too often, administrators rely on their memory or sense of what feels right when considering whether the current enrollment trend is normal or something to celebrate or fret over. One thing is certain: […]
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Semble Social Investor Financing A Good Alternative Way for Nonprofit Montessori Schools to Finance
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Planned Giving in Montessori Schools
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