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Dear Montessori Family Alliance Members,

The Montessori Family Alliance is an integral program of the Montessori Foundation, bringing you a variety of parenting tools. We appreciate your continuing support, ideas, and involvement in creating Montessori-inspired family life, as well as in choosing Montessori education for your child. By doing so, you are providing your child with consistency and alignment with two of the most important aspects of their lives: their family and their school.

During the 2022-23 school year, we spent a great deal of time searching for information to better serve you, your family, and your school, whether it be the content we provide or the method of delivering it. You helped by answering surveys, attending focus groups, and volunteering to assist in pilot parenting programs. Thank you.

All of you who are reading this letter are already members of the Montessori Family Alliance.

Because of your participation, we are starting off the 2023-24 school year with some new and exciting offerings for you and your school.—home of the Montessori Foundation, the International Montessori Council, and the Montessori Family Alliance—officially released The Montessori App in the iOS and Android app stores. This new app organizes all resources into one central spot in a user-friendly, personalized way. Anyone can join the app, free-of-charge, to discover upcoming events and webcasts, receive notifications about news, navigate through our shop, access our website, schedule meetings with consultants, review archived articles and book reviews, and access helpful resources, such as job boards and information about parenting programs, all in one spot.

The Parenting Puzzle: ‘Peacing’ It All Together is a trusted parenting program that many schools offer to their parents and caregivers, either in person or online. It is a family leadership program that is in alignment with Montessori principles and answers the question, “How do the teachers get the children to work and live together so peacefully?” This year, any school that purchases a bulk membership to the Montessori Family Alliance receives a one-year school license to offer this program at their school, valued at $995.00.

In addition to our weekly webinars during the day, we have begun to offer Wit & Wisdom: a family chat on the last Wednesday of each month at 8:00 pm ET. It is an online ZOOM discussion group created for parents and caregivers. Each month, I will host an open discussion on topics of interest in child/adolescent development, children’s behavior, and education. We will share ideas and information together. It is open to all, and it’s free! We truly hope you will join us.

As we continue to provide programs and services for our members, we hope that you will let us know how things are going, because when you feel heard and supported, so do your children.

Lorna McGrath

MFA Program Director

[email protected]